By embedding basic personalization strategies into digital health products, companies can create more meaningful and effective health management tools, ultimately leading to better health outcomes and higher user satisfaction.

To illustrate how these strategies can be integrated, let’s assume they’re part of a digital health app for disease prevention or treatment. The goal of the app? To drive behavior changes, boost user knowledge, and improve symptoms.

Let’s examine the basic personalization strategies every digital health product should include:

Name, age and gender: Every health product should incorporate at least basic personalization to enhance the user experience, starting with addressing users by their names. This simple touch makes interactions feel more personal and relevant, creating a sense of individual attention. For instance, greeting users with "Hello, Sarah!" rather than a generic "Hello" helps establish a connection and demonstrates that the app recognizes them as unique individuals. Using names in notifications, reminders, and feedback messages further personalizes the experience, making users feel valued and engaged. By implementing this minimal level of personalization, health products can lay the foundation for deeper, more meaningful user interactions.

Tailored health content: Digital health products should tailor content to users based on their health conditions, either based on their own input through a questionnaire or another feedback mechanism, or based on our user and population health data. Content should also be personalized based on content areas that are important or interesting for the user. Health products can give users the ability to select their preferences on health and content topics, and this personalization can also take place automatically based on the interactions of the users with content over time, gradually giving users more relevant content as well as suggesting new content that may be interesting to them based on an interaction or to offer them the opportunity to not get siloed. This is especially important for improving health outcomes, as we can continuously learn about the users and give them the tools and resources most relevant to their health.

App interaction configuration: Digital health applications should allow users to set when, how, and how often they receive notifications and reminders, as well as their own scheduling for tasks and goals. This can be done at the initial set-up, but we can also have users give their consent to still get reminders for when they may have lapsed or there is a relevant touchpoint. This allows users to consciously decide and express how “high-touch” the experience is, as well as the most helpful types of notifications and reminders.

Automated Administrative Tasks for Providers: Personalized digital solutions can manage administrative tasks such as appointment scheduling, prescription refills, and patient record management. By automating these routine activities, healthcare providers have more time to engage directly with patients, addressing their concerns and building stronger, empathetic relationships. This shift allows doctors and nurses to concentrate on delivering high-quality, personalized care without the distraction of paperwork.

Tailored Health Monitoring and Support for Patients: Our personalized health products track patients' vital signs, medication adherence, and behavior progression in real-time. These tools provide personalized interactions, ensuring timely interventions when necessary. This proactive approach means that users trust on being approached, rather than constantly monitoring data manually. Then, users can provide insights to their health care providers so that they can directly work with it instead of going through raw data themselves. The technology takes care of the background work, allowing for more meaningful and timely human interactions.

Customized Educational Content: By personalizing educational content based on individual patient needs and conditions, our solutions provide valuable information and resources tailored to each patient. This allows patients to educate themselves on their preventive measure, possible conditions and even treatment plans at their own pace, outside of the clinical setting. When patients meet with their healthcare providers, the conversation can be more focused and informed, fostering a deeper, more effective dialogue. This personalized approach helps ensure that the human interactions in healthcare are rich and productive.

These are quick-win personalization strategies that can improve the user experience and, ultimately, their health. In our next blog, we’ll look into more advanced personalization strategies.

This blog is part of a series on Personalization by Significo. Explore more:

Tips for Personalization in Digital Health Product Development

Benefits of Personalization in Digital Health Products

Significo: 5 Principles for Personalization in Digital Health Products

Personalization in the digital health industry

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